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Pre-Assorted Mixed Dozen Donuts for ₱299 @ Krispy Kreme

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₱299 ₱425 READ MORE
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₱299 ₱425 READ MORE

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Let’s start August with a bang! 🎉 We’re extending our #KKBirthday celebration with the August Starter Treat from August 1-2, 2020! 🎁

#CelebrateWithUs and get our pre-assorted Mixed Dozen, inclusive of 6 Original Glazed, 2 Ring Filled New York Cheesecake, 2 Ring Filled Choco Iced Kreme, 1 Belgian Choco and Cherry, 1 Choco Kreme & Sprinkles, for only P299! Save P126! (Exclusive of Delivery fees.) 💖


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