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Superior Deluxe Room Voucher with No Expiration @ The Manila Hotel

The Manila Hotel
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117128166 10157318434881899 5210329963797504503 n

For our valued guests and loyal patrons who have been inquiring about rooms, we are offering you a great non-expiring deal for when we can once again welcome you back as in-house guests.

From AUGUST 10 to SEPTEMBER 10, 2020, you can get the Superior Deluxe Room voucher for an overnight stay for 2 (with breakfast) for ONLY P5,000 NETT when you buy and pay within the promo period.

Call us now at 85270011 or 09989501912 for more information or to buy (we cannot process purchase over Facebook Messenger)..

#TheManilaHotel #ASuperiorSurprise #RoomVoucherPromo #OvernightStay

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