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The Lost Bread – Back To School Giveaway: Get a Chance to Win an Alcatel 1T10 Tablet with Keyboard

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The Lost Bread - Back To School Giveaway: Get a Chance to Win an Alcatel 1T10 Tablet with Keyboard

We’re celebrating the start of the BER months with an early Christmas present for our followers 🎁

Get a chance to win an Alcatel 1T10 tablet with keyboard!


1. Like this photo and share it on your IG/FB stories (tag @thelostbread_ & @tecwirezinc)

2. Tell us why you want to win the tablet and tag 3 friends on the comment section of this post

2. Follow @thelostbread_ and @tecwirezinc on BOTH facebook and Instagram


1. No fake accounts

2. Make sure your account is public

3. Before awarding, we will double check if all steps we’re made

4. Upon claiming of prize, you must present a valid ID

5. You must be 13+ of age to participate

The only entries made before Sept 30, 2020 at 11:59am will be counted

Good luck!!🙏


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Disclaimer: All photos and text courtesy of the brand’s social media pages and website unless stated otherwise. Information correct at the time of posting, changes made by the source, brand or service, after the time of posting may impact the accuracy of this information.
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