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Sambo Kojin – Eat All You Can Promo

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PROMO ALERT! Over 150 dishes!!! All reservations at Sambo Kojin get a discount this OCTOBER 1-31, 2020. P738 Monday-Thursday, P838 Friday to Sunday, Regular price P938. CALL AND RESERVE NOW!
For reservations, send us a message here on Messenger or at 0998-9907890. You may also call the branch directly at:
SM Megamall 8696-1291, 0917-7056037
SM City Fairview: 8921-5172, 0917-6556240
SM Southmall: 8511-7843, 0917-8107833
1. Special Promo price is valid for reservations only.
P738: Monday – Thursday
P838: Friday – Sunday
P938: Regular price, Walk-ins
2. Reservation is by contacting the numbers of Sambo Kojin SM Southmall branch, Sambo Kojin SM Megamall, Sambo Kojin SM City Fairview or via FB messenger.
3. Promo duration is October 1-31, 2020.
4. Promo is not valid with any other existing promotions and discounts.
*In the purchase of goods and services which are on promotional discount, senior citizens or PWDs can avail of the promotional discount or the discount provided under the Expanded Senior Citizens Act of 2010 or under the IRR of Republic Act 10754 , whichever is higher.


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Disclaimer: All photos and text courtesy of the brand’s social media pages and website unless stated otherwise. Information correct at the time of posting, changes made by the source, brand or service, after the time of posting may impact the accuracy of this information.
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