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Wilcon Depot – Anniversary Sale: Up to 50% Discount

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Up to 50% Discount READ MORE

Wilcon Depot - Anniversary Sale: Up to 50% Discount

For 43 years of serving Filipino home builders and owners, Wilcon Depot thanks everyone for the continued trust and support! And now we are having big sale as our way of giving back! 🎉

Enjoy up to 50% OFF on wide range of products on October 15 – 31, 2020 with Wilcon Anniversary Sale!

Promo is valid at all Wilcon Depot and Wilcon Home Essentials stores nationwide!

Shop safely at your nearest Wilcon store or shop conveniently while at home with the Browse, Call, and Collect/Deliver. For the list of participating stores with their pick-up and delivery contact details, click this link:

For everyone’s safety and health, we are implementing these precautionary measures inside our stores:
– No face mask, no face shield, no entry policy
– Hand sanitizer and alcohol are available by the entrance and in different areas of the store
– Sanitizing footbath is provided at the entrance of the store
– Checking of employees and customers temperature upon entry
– 1-meter queue marks for proper social distancing
– 2 persons are allowed inside the elevator at a time
– Regular store sanitation


Per DTI Fair Trade Permit No. FTEB-105422, Series of 2020.




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