California Pizza Kitchen – Women Empowerment Package for ₱1,999 (Save ₱262)
California Pizza Kitchen – Women Empowerment Package for ₱1999 (Save ₱262)
Come visit California Pizza Kitchen’s Evia Lifestyle Center branch for this exclusive package! Indulge in these amazing dishes on this special day for only P1999!
Original BBQ Signature Wings
(3 Wings | 6 Pieces)
Orange Glaze Signature Wings
(3 Wings | 6 Pieces)
Kung Pao Spaghetti (Plain)
The Original BBQ Chicken Pizza
(2) Raspberry Iced Tea Carafes
This promo is valid for Dine-In and Take-Out transactions ONLY.
This promo is valid on March 12-14, 2021 ONLY.
This promo is valid in California Pizza Kitchen Evia Lifestyle Center ONLY.
This promo is NOT valid in ANY conjunction of promos or discounts.
In the purchase of goods and services which are on promotional discount, the senior citizen can avail of the promotional discount, or the discount provided under the Expanded Senior Citizens Act of 2019, whichever is higher.
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